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Tutorial: How to create your customized BOM layout


Creating your own customized BOM layout.


Go to.

Select Modify.

This window will appear.

Select the 3 dots at Layout File.

In the window you see select for example BOM_Portrait.hdf.

Now use the arrow in the left bottom corner.

A window will appear with the original name.

Change the name and press Ok.

The new layout is file is now saved and added to the list to choose from.
You see will there is no globe in front, this means that the file is saved.

Use Ok.

The new layout file name is now selected. Close all the open windows.

Now you can change the layout file itself. To change layout file the browse to the border folder in you library.

For example …\Libraries\Borders\BOM layouts.

Select the file and press Open.

You will see this appear.

This layout is for an A4 portrait paper size and exists out 2 parts.
The tiltle block and the blue area.
The blue area is reseved for the columns with the BOM information.
Keep this empty.

Edit the information you want. For example PARTLIST into PARTLIST 1 and save and close the file.

Now to use the file open your schematic and go to.

You will see the change in the layout.

If you want to keep the original file you also can start a new layout and follow the same steps as above.