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0: images/borders-001.png
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3: images/borders-004.png
4: images/borders-005.png
5: images/borders-006.png
6: images/borders-007.png
7: images/borders-008.png
8: images/borders-009.png
9: images/borders-010.png
10: images/borders-011.png
11: images/borders-012.png
12: images/borders-013.png
13: images/borders-014.png
14: images/borders-015.png
15: images/borders-016.png
16: images/borders-017.png
17: images/borders-018.png
18: images/borders-019.png
19: images/borders-020.png
20: images/borders-021.png
21: images/borders-022.png
22: images/borders-023.png
23: images/borders-024.png
24: images/borders-025.png
25: images/borders-026.png
26: images/borders-027.png
27: images/borders-028.png
28: images/borders-029.png

Tutorial: How to create your own borders


Creating your own borders.


Start a new schematic file.


Draw a rectangle (size doesn’t matter for now).
Select the rectangle and select Properties.

You will see this window appear.

Switch on Expert mode.

Now you see on the right the X and Y coordinates.
Go to X1 and Y1 and enter 0 for both.

Now change X2 and Y2 to the desired (outside) dimensions.
In this case an A3 size border.

According to ISO 5457 this should be 420x297 mm.

To set the drawing area again draw a rectangle within the existing rectangle.
The size again doesn’t matter.

select the new rectangle and select Properties.
Select your starting point and your end point (See the table above).

Use Ok.

Now save the file in the Border folder.

For example C:\Users\Marco\Paro\Borders\Borders

Use the Save button.

Now go to Tools -> Tables -> Paper sizes

Select the ISO A3 file.

Now use New, the ISO A3 file will be copied and some information is already there.

This window appears.

Now you can change the Information.
For example change the Name to A3 Border-demo.

At Border name select the 3 dots and select in the appeared window Browse.

Browse to the border folder and select the file earlier created.

Use Open. You will see this message.

Use Yes.

The drawing area is the maximum area where components / symbols and so on can be placed.
If you place something outside this area it will not be drawn at your print.

Use Ok.

To create a border file you also can download an existing one.
Go to.

Select the 3 dots at Drawing header.

Again select the 3 dots.

This window will appear.

Select a file with the globe in front. And use the arrow.

Change the name and press ok.

Close all windows and go to open.

Browse to the border folder and select the downloaded file to open.

Now you can follow the previous steps to make your own border.