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0: images/export-schematic-001.png
1: images/export-schematic-002.png
2: images/export-schematic-003.png
3: images/export-schematic-004.png
4: images/export-schematic-005.png
5: images/export-schematic-006.png
6: images/export-schematic-007.png
7: images/export-schematic-008.png
8: images/export-schematic-009.png
9: images/export-schematic-010.png
10: images/export-schematic-011.png
11: images/export-schematic-012.png
12: images/export-schematic-013.png
13: images/export-schematic-014.png

Tutorial: Export your schematic


Exporting your hydraulic diagram to different formats.


If you have finished your schematic you can export the schematic to different formats.

Export to DXF

Alternative tekst

Here you can choose where to save your DXF file.

Alternative tekst

At Colors: you choose different settings for the export.

Alternative tekst

In Hydrosym the schematic looks like.

Alternative tekst

After export to a DXF file in this setting it looks like this.

Alternative tekst

Export to PDF

Alternative tekst

Alternative tekst

Alternative tekst

Export to PNG

Alternative tekst

Alternative tekst

Alternative tekst

The export to JPG and BMP are simular to the export of PNG.

Export eletric objects…

Alternative tekst

This will generate a xml file wich you can open with for example excel.

Alternative tekst

It can look like this after the export and opened in excel.

Alternative tekst